PODCAST | Present Parenting

Darren Mortimer (New Covenant Kids Pastor) kicks off a new series around parenting. Darren interviews Madz Deyzel (Christian Counselor), Ash & Nadine Bell (NCCB Lead Pastors) and Kim Ballantine (Counselor and Life Coach).

Part 1: Madz and Darren kick off a new series around parenting. In this episode, they introduce the series and discuss ways in which they have allowed God to lead them in areas where they can be more present and better parents and leaders for their kids. They speak about some of the everyday moments in which they have been able to give valuable life lessons to their children because they were present in that moment. If you are a parent or a parent-to-be and you are struggling or looking for a way to reset, this series is for you.

Part 2: In this episode, Darren asks Ash and Nadine about their experiences raising their two girls, Bianca and Starla, and their son, Jordy. Ash and Nadine speak into unity in parenting and the importance of uniting in conversations with God, understanding your children, and discipline. This is a great episode full of wisdom and knowledge.

Part 3: Darren is joined by the Ballantines who share their personal experiences of parenting and things that they have done to become more present parents. We hope you find this helpful!

